Why is it that the Leylandii is the obvious choice for hedge growers everywhere? What exactly is it that this plant has that sets its standard above the ones from another competition? Well there aren't many competitions actually which three home-grown hedges are at par together, but nonetheless, many people will like the regular Leylandii than the golden Leylandiior the Laurel. We will try to differentiate the 3 in the following paragraphs to be able to be capable of decide upon yourself who truly deserves the greatest devote your lawn. We'd much like to point out for you first the reason why you may decide to include hedges around your house. Apart from it being an additional beautifier to your surroundings, additionally, it protects your dwelling from prying eyes and nosy neighbors. A neat and green wall around your vicinity, how is that as security.

Now we go to the golden Leylandii, as the name suggests is golden colored. It grows quite faster than the regular Leylandii, its patter is slightly different and very different that its counterparts but with regular trimming you are able to straighten everything out. This really is much liked by gardeners who choose lively colors, out of the ordinary color that can bring a lighter mood for their surroundings. We arrived at the 2nd choice the Laurel hedge, that one is really a toughie, it'll grow in difficult soil, it will also grown in ultra soft soil. Laurel hedges may also withstand too much sun or too little sun, an extremely tough hedge to beat but not fast enough to grow too. Still, if you prefer a hedge which will stay no matter how tough the weather is, choose that one, you'll have to wait for some time for it to develop though so not much preliminary trimming. Lastly is everyone’s favorite, the Leylandii. There are two types of regular Leylandii, the traditional one and the newly developed Leylandiiof 2001. Both of them don’t differ much really, it’s just that the new Leylandii has been said to be bushier compared to traditional one. The Leylandii continues to be used successfully as a home barrier and a garden attraction as well. It simply offers a lot of fullness that's a bit lacking with the other two hedges types. So if you desire a hedge so green and so tall and thus bushy, the Leylandii is the one you need.

Overall, the 3 get their own merits. It just so happens that the Leylandii is a lot more famous than the other two. Still the golden Leylandii and also the Laurel can battle it with the Leylandii so it’s up to you the gardener which one to pick.